Monday, September 17, 2007

Two months... reflections

Well this weekend I realized it had been two months since Erik and I finished our biking adventure. Our lives have crept back into breakneck routines and the easy days of 70 miles are behind us, but I thought that I would tell you a few things we have done.

First off... I just got my bicycle fixed! Yes the cracked wheel took almost two months to sort out. Needless to say Bikeline and I have become quite close... As I was riding to my studio this morning, I thought maybe I will perform a smudge to clear out any residule mojo and make it all new again.

Two weekends ago Erik and I did a bike ride in Wilmington. It was the return of professional bicycling in Wilmington and they were trying to break a world record. So Erik, Mercedes, Sofia and Precillia Rakestraw and I adorned ourselves with Pink BreastCancer coalition shirts and did the 2.1 miles. Erik had brought some water he had frozen from the cookie lady's house and we all drank some to lift our energy, luck and spirits. I signed us up as a team and wouldnt you know it we were called to the start line first. This ment that we were the first to talk with the press! When they asked our names I said forget us! we are with the delaware breast coalition and that is all you need to know! Well we had fun. We did not break any speed records, but we all made the finish line. I joked with the several reporters who found out that Erik and I had ridden across the country, that we had ridden 3,700 miles as our training for this. I never saw if we made the news, but hopefully Precillia go some good press.

This past weekend I did a sweat lodge with a few friends of mine. They had allowed me to sweat with them before I took the trip and this was a post trip celebration/what the hell is next, kind of thing. As I was packing my towels and things I could not find an empty back pack. so I went to the basement and pulled out a small overnight bag... Well when I opened it, there was a business card from June Curry.... yep some of you may have guessed it... the cookie lady! Well I figured she needed me to find the card, so I brough her into the sweat with me. I also thanked the many others who's generocity and spirit had helped Erik and I accomplish our ride. So hopefully it will bring good things to you all.

the 28th of September is bike to the bay. Both here in Delaware and in New Jersey. I havent signed up for either, but I still may... so expect me to hit you all up for money if I choose it.

I still havent retreived all of my pictures from my camera and I havent listened to the tape recording I made, but eventually I'll get to it... (nor have I fully unpacked at home... sorry Mercedes) So keep a look out for updates.

Thank you all again for all of your support. If something pops into your head about the trip... ASK! and hopefully this will not be the end.

Much love


PS ask me about Sofia and my amazing adventure!