Friday, June 8, 2007

Another Mile Stone... onto the flat portion of the show

So yesterday we left Cotopaxi, knowing that we would be leaving our beloved Rockies. We also knew that it would be the end of the Western Express portion of our trip. I was left a little teary and sad, but the promise of the transamerica is looming.

We met several cross country bikers yesterday on our way into Pueblo. One couple were raising money for bikes for Africa and another was crocheting hats to support his year long tour of the country. I had no idea of the bicycle culture and how much people are seeking adventure... well let me tell you bicycle touring is an adventure.

Last night as we pulled into town a truck pulled us over and a couple offered us their back yard to camp. Dennis had done a fair amount of long distance touring and knew the value of his offer. They opened up their yard, as well as their shower.... It was nice knowing we had a soft place to sleep.

We went to a kind of fancy restaurant, looking like hardened bikers, and ate a celebratory dinner and then hit the sack.

I don't quite know how to say it, but the kindness and support that we have received so far has been touching and has changed me inside, I'm sure. I miss home tons, but I miss riding even the few short minutes I have been sitting here keeping you all updated. So thank you. thank you to all who have wished us well and have offered us help and encouragement. I am hoping I am living up to your expectations.

Much love

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