Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One week to go.

Well this is the one-week to go mark. We are bringing our bicycles, packed in boxes, with us on the plane. When we get to Oakland we will head out to San Fran and get our bikes re-constituted and then start the next day... so hopefully the back wheel dip will happen sometime on Wednesday the 2nd!

The bike repair shop is ready to receive our bikes and put them back together when we get to San Fran. I have offered to bring some liquid concentration to lubricate the process for a quick turn around time.

I wanted to thank all of you for the love and generosity that you have already bestowed upon me! It has been overwhelming at times, but always inspirational!

I am hoping it will never stop... I'll need it!

On a side note:

I am still deciding if I will be packing some pants to wear after biking. I am also rounding up some toiletries and a few other incidentals that I may need. I am guessing most of what I need, will be available on the road. (Yes socks might be available too!)

Oh and BTW if you are around this Friday night... stop by my house and wish Erik and I a bon voyage! We will be having hamburgers and a few beers.

Much love to you all and hopefully the next entry will be from San Fran and then on the road!


1 comment:

ilostmyhaloagain said...

I miss you like crazy. I've only played 9 holes of golf since you left!!!!!

Merc told me you made it up and over the Sierra Nevada and are in Nevada as off last night. You guys ROCK!!!!! I hope you're taking lots of photos!

I'm thinking of you and sending you telepathically a few strong snorts of Oxygen for the next mountain range in your path!