Thursday, June 7, 2007

'Playoff Beard" at westcliffe, CO

That is a great description Peter! yes that is what it is... a playoff beard!

Well Colorado is having a huge wind storm right now and the pedaling is kind of tough. We made it into Cotopaxi last night and choose a room at the KOA vs a tent site due to the 60 mile an hour gusts. There were 90 mile an hour gusts up at monarch and it was 19 degrees only a few hours after we summited... The boy scouts who were staying at the KOA had their tents destroyed by the wind and falling debris. The wind caused lots of the rocks on the cliffs that line the highway we were travelling to fall. fortunately not on us!

today we are trying to go the 75 or so miles into pueblo... we still have about half of the 45 miles up hill climb left to go to today and then the long cruise down into the plains... (with the wind's permission....)

I am hoping to get a tune up on my bike in pueblo to be set for the long haul across the rest of the country. Erik and I are working on sails to assist us across. i have a huge sheet of Tyvek, and hopefully we can fashion something safe enough to assist us with the 2200 miles we have left.

thank you all for the comments.

much love

1 comment:

Meg H said...

Hi, Tom!! Mercedes gave us the blog address on Tuesday after closing ceremonies. So, we are checking up on you!! It all sounds so amazing. When we drove from CA to the east coast, we drove across Utah (Bryce north through Canyonlands, back south through Arches and Moab, then over to Telluride and Ouray and Durango.) I remember driving and running into a cattle drive -- can't imagine what that was like on a bike!!!

I realize we should have gotten more familiar with your route before.....but we have very good friends in Harrisonburg VA that I'm sure would show you some hospitality if you can tell us when you will be through there -- let me know!!