Well I'm re-hydrated and back on the road. Yesterday we rode into Colorado and for a moment I shed a few tears for Utah. I figured I had left some blood and lots of sweat... maybe she needed some tears to make her whole? Well To re-cap Utah.
What a beautiful state. We saw it in a very intimate way. I would recommend Utah to anyone who wants to see natural beauty at it's best. I bet every season is unique and wonderful... but... do it via something motorized! Or at least have someone follow you with a cooler of Dr. Pepper and spicy pork rinds.
Colorado... What can I say. We have been watching the snow capped mountains grow each mile we pedal. Colorado is greener than Utah and a little cooler. The roads are a series of ups and downs. Rolling hills so far. Yesterday I got my second flat tire. I had a wire, that looked like it came from a truck tire, embedded in my back tire. I have worn the tread down to nothing, so I was convinced that it was a tire related flat, not a puncture. Thank goodness it was a simple wire. Well we stayed in Dove Creek in a hotel owned by a fiber artist. I was able to fix the flat and patch the two inner tubes for later use. (the second tube was from my flat into Blanding)I am going to replace my tires in Telluride.
Today we got to ride right in the middle of a cattle drive. They were pushing the "doggies" right up the middle of the road. I loved watching the expressions of the horses and the cows. They seemed to be spooked by these, funny new creatures. At one point I was put in between a calf and it's mother... Thank goodness I was able to scoot out of the way in time. I am not sure the mother was going to stop.
We have made it to Dolores. This was supposed to be our destination, but I think we may eat and then push on to camp out somewhere past town. We have a few big climbs before we reach the pass at Monarch... so send us your energy... We will need it.
Much love all and thank you for all of your e-mails and comments. They really do help and keep the home sickness at bay.
Much love
PS... for those of you who are counting... 1219.5 miles and counting