Monday, May 28, 2007

Blanding... Gateway to adventure

So hello everyone from Blanding Utah! I will be so glad to get out of Utah... Well except for what's waiting for us next! The Rockies...

Utah has been so amazing. It has to be the most diverse terrain in the world. We have been in alpine and aspens... to lunar surfaces.

We camped in Boulder Utah a few days ago out of Bryce. It had been a long day and all of the motels were way to expensive so we hunkered down in a camp that was right out of a horror movie. We actually did a smudge to clear all of the bad vibes there. There were animal skeletons and all sorts of weird remnants of previous campers. I think if I ever get back this way I will skip Boulder!

Then we went on to Luna Mesa... (I think the town has a different name) The luna was right out of the Capital Reef National park. The luna was a quirky place, where the owner mentioned that it was common to see UFO's there all the time.

Capital Reef.....GO THERE! yes GO THERE and fast... it was amazing. We were on Bicycles and I felt like we were rushed. 50 million years of earth history there. The rest of that days ride was nice too.

We travelled to Hite on lake powell next. Hite was listed as a resort, restaurant, etc... on our map, but instead it was a ranger station with a closed down gas station. I've been to lake powell... dont go to Hite. That days ride was filled with at least four different kinds of landscape. The desert flowers we in total bloom and were very colorful.

Yesterday we rode into the rest of glen canyon and the whites. I got severely dehydrated and had to call for help to get me into town. A nice couple from Colorado drove me into Blanding and I started drinking fluids... Erik made the impressive, aw-inspiring ride in the dark and met me there around eleven last night. What an animal! Today I am still pretty sick, so I apologize for the brevity and lack of passion for Utah. I may edit this later.

We both needed a zero day and hopefully I'll be ready to ride tomorrow.

Well keep the comments coming... We appreciate the love.


1 comment:

Brooksie said...

Tom- Glad that you are feeling better. We are rooting for you. Please tell the Osmonds hi for us. That Donnie, he's a babe...
