Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Carson City!

Well yesterday we summited the Sierra's and we made the white knuckle ride down into Nevada. So for those who were keeping track... Over 200 miles and now one state completed.

We left Folsom and into the mountians. We made the seven up ranch around 8pm. It was either poison oak on the left or $140 at the B&B on the right. We chose the right. Well they had pity on us bikers and let us use the room for the shower and the kitchen for cooking and let us set up the tent in a freshly mown lawn. It was heaven. They shared their dinner and cooked us breakfast. We left around nine and took off up into the mountian further.

We only made it to cook's station but luck was with us and we tented in the back of this rough biker bar. The diesel generator was loud but the big tree we slept under provided a nice soft bed.

We made it to silver lake the next day. Only 20 miles of grueling elevation. yes that is right 20 miles in 10 hours of pedaling. but we were rewarded with a waterfall and huge iron bear boxes. It was breathtaking, but my sore ankle kept me pedaling on one leg for the whole day.

That brings us to yesterday. We summited around 12. The weather was perfect. There was snow everywhere except the road so it was... well word escape me. We met a nice family who took pictures of us at the sign and hopefull merc will have them soon. My camera is not working and I have a B&W camera katie gave me so my photo ops have been limited.

Well my time is almost up here at the carson city library... so I'm off to fallon Nevada.

Much love all!


Priscilla said...

Tom & Erik.........enjoying the blog! All of us at DBCC are following the trip...and we're jealous! (Well, some of us are jealous!)...wishing you tailwinds and good camping places. Erik, how's the flag?? P

Thomas Del Porte said...


It's been good travelling so far. We're holed up at Old Middlegate Station, an old Pony Express station in the middle of nowhere.

Hope all is well in Delaware. We hope that we will make it home in time, the Sierra took us longer than expected. The flag ultimately proved to be overly large and so impractical. I have been meeting lots of people and telling them about our mission however. Many Pink Cowboy flyers have been handed out to curious people.

Wishing you well from the loneliest road in America!



Thomas Del Porte said...
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Kathleen said...

Hi Tom and Eric,

I'm part of the "nice family" you mentioned from Carson Pass. You took photos of us from various angles, which, by the way, turned out very well. THANK YOU.

I have in front of me the three photos I took of you. I'm sorry but I don't remember who is who. One of you has on a blue shirt with a black stripe across the front.

Anyway, I'll be mailing them to your home this week. I'll try to scan them first so you can see them, too.

It is fun to read your blog. When mine gets up and running, I'll send the address so you can see my paintings. I remember that Mr. Blueshirt with Black stripe paints. Right?

Be safe, have fun, we're thinking of you. Kathleen & Chris, Debbie and Angela.